Advanced Marine Aviation and Sea Survival Training

The A-MAST training program, developed by ONGC for offshore personnel stands out as a unique and comprehensive training initiative designed to equip participants with the zenith of high-octane skills necessary to sustain or survive adverse sea conditions. The training includes a specialized module on helicopter safety and escape, emphasizing the use of the Compressed Air Emergency Breathing System (CA-EBS) and practical escape techniques under simulated emergency conditions. Additional CA-EBS training in water enhances preparedness for real-life scenarios. Overall, the A-MAST training program aims to foster a culture of safety, preparedness, and resilience among offshore personnel, thereby minimizing risks and enhancing operational safety and effectiveness.

Who can pursue: All offshore going personnel
Duration: 3 days
Mode of Training: Physical/ATI-ONGC Goa

ongc bespoke

Training Objective

This three-day program is meticulously crafted to simulate real-life scenarios, ensuring that participants are well-prepared to handle any challenges they may encounter at sea, especially in the aftermath of a chopper crash.

Topics Covered

Safety Induction

  • Industry and Installation Overview

  • Offshore hazards

  • Managing offshore safety

  • Controlling offshore hazards

  • Regulating offshore safety

  • Living and working offshore

Helicopter Safety and Escape

  • Helicopter travel

  • Helicopter emergencies

  • Use of Compressed Air Emergency Breathing System (CA-EBS)

  • Practical Helicopter Escape Techniques in Survival Training Simulation Theatre (with and without Waves and Environmental Special Effects)

  • Additional CA-EBS Training ( In-Water )

Sea Survival and First Aid

  • Evacuation (standby vessel, Fast Rescue Craft (FRC), Mechanical Rescue and Recovery Device (MRRD), net, basket and ladder & TEMPSC – “Totally Enclosed Motor Propelled Survival Craft”)

  • Life raft sea survival in complete environmental simulation (with and without Waves and Environmental Special Effects)

  • Heli hoist lifting and rescue

  • Emergency first aid

Fire Fighting and Self Rescue

  • Fire extinguisher operations

  • Smoke house survival training