Safety at Unmanned Platforms

Safety in Unmanned Platforms is tailored to address the unique safety challenges associated with unmanned wellhead platforms. The curriculum covers an overview of unmanned wellhead platforms from a production perspective, highlighting critical safety considerations. It delves into the instrumentational aspects, providing insights into the safety mechanisms and devices integral to platform operations. Learn about the essential safety precautions and the array of safety devices and systems in place. This training is ideal for professionals seeking to enhance their knowledge and skills in managing safety on unmanned platforms, ensuring operational efficiency and the highest safety standards.

Who can pursue: Offshore Production Personnel (all levels)
Duration: 3 days
Mode of Training: Physical/ATI-ONGC Goa

ongc bespoke

Training Objective

Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the operational and safety aspects essential for these advanced platforms. It also addresses the protocols for safe operations, both routine and non-routine, along with procedures for safe closure and evacuation.

Topics Covered

  • Overview of unmanned wellhead platforms

  • Production perspective on Safety in unmanned wellhead platforms

  • Instrumentational overview and perspective on Safety in unmanned wellhead platforms

  • Safety precautions and safety devices and systems on unmanned wellhead platforms.

  • System monitoring and control

  • Safe operations (Routine/Non Routine)

  • Safe closure and evacuation

  • General safety, workplace safety and Ten safety rules