Safety and Risk Management

The Safety & Risk Management training program designed by ONGC aims to equip participants with comprehensive knowledge and practical skills essential for maintaining a safe and healthy work environment. This course is crafted to empower executives with the knowledge and skills necessary to champion HSE principles, align them with organizational strategies, and drive continuous improvement for a sustainable and resilient future. It enables to develop skills in identifying, assessing, and managing HSE risks, enabling participants to implement proactive measures that contribute to a safer and healthier work environment.

Who can pursue: All executives and non-executives
Duration: 3 days
Mode of Training: Physical/ATI-ONGC Goa

ongc bespoke

Training Objective

To develop a shared and comprehensive understanding of Health, Safety, and Environmental (HSE) principles, ensuring a cohesive approach to safety awareness and practices.

Topics Covered

  • General safety concepts

  • Electrical safety

  • Global environmental issues

  • Behaviour based safety management

  • First aid

  • Ergonomics and occupational health hazards (including noise & vibration)

  • Diet & nutrition, fitness requirement

  • Stress management

  • Office waste management

  • E&p waste management

  • Fire safety management including hands-on fire fighting

  • Safety and emergency response in buildings/ site (DMP / ERP)