Occupational Health & Work Life Management (OH&WLM)

Recognizing the pivotal role that occupational health and work-life management play in fostering a thriving workforce, we introduce the Occupational Health & Work Life Management Training program. This comprehensive initiative is crafted to empower individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the intricate balance between professional responsibilities and personal well-being. As the demands of the modern workplace evolve, this training addresses the multifaceted aspects of occupational health, including stress management, ergonomics, mental health awareness, and effective stress management.

Who can pursue: All executives and non-executives
Duration: 4 Days
Mode of Training: Physical/ ATI-ONGC Goa

ongc bespoke

Training Objective

To increase awareness among participants about the importance of occupational health, emphasizing the impact of a healthy lifestyle on overall well-being and work performance. To enhance participants’ understanding of the concept of work-life balance and its significance in maintaining mental and physical health.

Topics Covered

  • Benefits of being healthy

  • Secrets of good health of fit & famous

  • Stress the spice of life

  • Long term stress management

  • Blood test

  • You are what you eat

  • Sugar the main fuel of our body

  • Skill of selecting healthy drinks

  • Power of proteins

  • Job type, physical activity level, age – protein needs

  • Calculate your own daily protein requirements

  • Healthy protein rich foods

  • Big fat issue, Basic role of fat, Ugly fat, Good fat

  • Selection of best cooking fat / oil, Nuts yes or no

  • Healthy cooking options

  • Practical calculations and demonstrations

  • Range of healthy snacks

  • Breakfast blues, Healthy options

  • Making your own meal plan

  • Discussion of blood reports

  • Prevention, control and reversal of diseases

  • Blood Pressure—High and Low.

  • Diabetes, High cholesterol

  • Exercises for increase in stamina and strength

  • Personal target heart rate calculations

  • Strength enhancing exercise

  • Strong muscles and bones

  • Setting of health goals

  • Yoga exercises, Meditation