Breathing Apparatus Course

The primary challenge faced by fire fighters and emergency personnel during fire incidents is smoke, which poses a significant threat. Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) is a life-saving piece of equipment that provides crucial protection against both smoke and toxic gases, serving as the critical difference between life and death in hazardous environments. This course is specifically formulated to provide exhaustive training for fire fighters on the proper use and maintenance of breathing apparatus equipment. This course typically covers essential topics such as understanding the components of a SCBA set, proper donning and doffing procedures, effective communication while using the apparatus, and strategies for managing air supply during fire fighting operations.

Who can pursue: ONGC Fire Personnel & Personnel from other disciplines in operational areas.
Duration: 3 Days
Mode of Training: Physical/ ONGC- Betul, Goa

ongc bespoke

Training Objective

To provide essential knowledge and practical skills, enabling participants to proficiently handle SCBA sets in the execution of their duties. The course emphasizes physiology of breathing, B.A sets & its function, rescue operations, use of PPE, CPR procedure, fire fighting with SCBA set, coordination while using SCBA sets, enhancing personnel proficiency in managing air supply and monitoring usage. Practical exercises and simulations are incorporated to provide experience in various fire fighting scenarios.

Topics Covered

  • Physiology of Breathing & circulation, of Blood, CPR Procedure

  • General Requirement of B.A. Sets & their function

  • Practical use of B.A., Maintenance, Recharge, Testing & fault finding.

  • Signalling, Supervising procedure during operational use of B.A. Use of guy line

  • Donning & Doffing Procedure (Pre-Entry Test, Decontamination of Face mask & up keeping of face mask)

  • Use of PPE & Rescue Techniques

  • Rescue Operation in the Confined Vessel & use of ELSA Set.

  • Rescue Operation in the Toxic Atmosphere

  • Familiarization with the Smoke House

  • Responsibility of BACBO, Entry Procedure, Trap Situation.

  • W-formation & Fire Fighting with SCBA Set.

  • Fire Fighting in the smoke house with the help of B.A.